Més informació [ Detall d'activitat

9006410500   Exploiting storytelling in the primary English class (from tradition to technology)
2016-2017   Curs. Educació Primària
   3/7/2017 - 7/7/2017 (30 hores) de h a h
   EOI Barcelona V
   c. Comtes de Bell-lloc, 86 (Barcelona) 
Format   Presencial
Organització   Servei de Formació i Desenvolupament Professional del Personal
   Les sessions presencials són els dies 3,4,5,6 i 7 de juliol de 9:00 a 15:00 h.
Inscripció   15/05/2017 - 31/05/2017
Descripció i   Metodologia:   In this training course we will try to explore different storybooks getting to know the stories and doing some activities related to them: pre-reading, while-reading and post-reading.
These activities will have a double aim: on the one hand they will try to be examples of activities we can do in the classroom and, on the other hand, they will try to be a starting point for using English, practicing it and, therefore, improving it.
It will be essentially practical and we will be expecting the trainees to infer the theory.
Objectius   1.To know a wide range stories to be used in the primary English class and to reflect on their possible use.
2.To use different types of activities and to consider their application to the own reality.
3. To be more competent in the use of the oral English, doing so in a fluent way and to being able to show it both in classroom-related activities and in communicative ones.
Continguts   •Outstanding storybooks for the primary English class
•Classroom management techniques for improving behavior and language acquisition
•Pre-reading, while-reading and post-reading examples to be adapted to each own realities.
•The use of English in communicative situations.
Observacions   Les sessions presencials són els dies 3,4,5,6 i 7 de juliol de 9:00 a 15:00 h.
Formador/a   Edward Lockhart
Avaluació   Apart from getting to know about 30 different storybooks by authors like Julia Donaldson, Lydia Monks, Oliver Jeffers, Eric Carle or David Mckee, amongst others, the trainees will get practical ideas of how to exploit those stories through communicative and interactive activities that involve handicrafts, physical involvement, group work, information-gaps...
Every session there will be a part in which, in groups, they will have to share ideas and knowledge: think about derivate activities to the stories told that day, take a storytelling game originally designed for native adults and adapt it to EFL children, share some stories they think appropriate for working in primary education...
Requisits de  certificació   1.Minimum attendance: 80% of face to face hours.
2.Positive evaluation of every task proposed during the course
Persones  destinatàries   Primary English teachers
E-mail   estiullengues@xtec.cat
 Sessió 1   dilluns   03/07/2017   0900   1500 
 Sessió 2   dimarts   04/07/2017   0900   1500 
 Sessió 3   dimecres   05/07/2017   0900   1500 
 Sessió 4   dijous   06/07/2017   0900   1500 
 Sessió 5   divendres   07/07/2017   0900   1500 

Generalitat de Catalunya
Departament d'Educació
Pla de formació permanent